
Editeur :
Date de parution : 00:00:00
Thématique : Art - Art / Beaux livres

Adhérent : Ducasse Édition

Présentation de l'éditeur

David Rathgeber is the chef at « Aux Lyonnais », the Parisian bistro owned by Alain Ducasse. The 56 recipes he has chosen for this book, written in homage to Le Creuset cookware, are classics from the French culinary heritage, such as Blanquette de Veau, Seven-hour Leg of Lamb, Duck with Olives, and more.With the help of Elisa Vergne, author of more than 40 cookbooks, he offers us a family version of his traditional bistro recipes. These are simple and accessible dishes designed for those cooks who love to use casseroles and Dutch ovens, for the slow, careful and loving cooking that reminds us of our grandmothers.Casseroles, skillets, ovens, gratin dishes... all of them are here.The book further contains practical information about how to use enameled cast-iron and stoneware cookware, advice on how to choose the finest produce, and tips from a wine waiter about which wines to serve with which foods.

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