
How to successfully complete your DBA ?

Auteur : Michel Kalika
Editeur : Management et société
Date de parution : 05/10/2017
EAN/ISBN : 9782376870586
Format : 22 x 14
Nombre de pages : 101
Thématique : Enseignement - Enseignement scolaire et parascolaire

Adhérent : In Quarto - EMS

Présentation Electre

How to successfully complete your DBA ?

This book entitled How to successfully complete your DBA ? (Doctorate in Business Administration) aims to answer the questions of managers who wish to gain perspective, defend and publish a thesis grounded in their managerial experience and create knowledge.

What is a DBA ? What are the differences between a DBA and a PhD ? How to prepare a DBA in three years ? Should you choose a face-to-face or distance learning DBA ? How to choose your thesis supervisor ? How to start your DBA ? What methodology (ies) to choose for your DBA ? What plan to adopt for the DBA thesis ? And finally : How to enhance your DBA ?

The author provides clear and pragmatic answers to all these questions on the basis of his experience in managing DBA programs and he takes the reader through a three steps plan :

  • 1. Choosing a DBA
  • 2. Choosing a thesis theme
  • 3. Managing your DBA

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