
Nez : the olfactory magazine, n° 3. The sex of scent

Editeur : Editions Le Contrepoint
Date de parution : 27/04/2017
EAN/ISBN : 9782370630575
Format : 26 x 20
Nombre de pages : 144
Thématique : Art - Design et arts décoratifs

Adhérent : Le Contrepoint

Présentation Electre

NEZ 3 Published bi-annually, Nez explores the world around us via our sense of smell. It provides an insight into the vital role that olfactory sensations play in our lives in a novel approach that encompasses art, literature, science, history, food and perfume. The third issue tackles a vast and enigmatic subject - the Sex of Scent. The olfactory conventions that lend gender to our fragrances - where do they come from ? What links the olfactory sphere to sexuality, desire and attraction ?

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