
Parisian chic, look book : what should I wear today ?

Auteur : Inès de La Fressange, Sophie Gachet
Editeur : Flammarion
Date de parution : 05/04/2017
EAN/ISBN : 9782080202277
Format : 24 x 17
Nombre de pages : 135
Thématique : Art - Design et arts décoratifs

Adhérent : Flammarion

Présentation Electre

From the authors of Parisian Chic

A New York times best seller

How should I dress for a dinner at home with friends ? And for a first date ? This look book provides personal tips from Ines de la Fressange, the quintessential Parisienne, for concocting a stylish look for every situation, with nothing but her wardrobe essentials.

Never again will you say « I have nothing to wear. »

« A daily dose of how to dress like a Parisian. » -Brilliant Magazine

Ines is « the ultimate Parisian woman. » -Wall Street Journal

Ines « epitomizes French chic... [and] manages to pair high and low end with a masterly flair. » -Harper's Bazaar

« Even if you were not born that way, it's now possible to fake Parisian style. » -Next New Fashion

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