
Matières d'exception. Breathtaking materials & their creators

Auteur : Caroline Perrin
Editeur : Vial
Date de parution : 15/11/2011
EAN/ISBN : 9782851011633
Format : 35 x 25
Nombre de pages : 335
Thématique : Art - Design et arts décoratifs

Adhérent : Vial Éditions

Présentation de l'éditeur

« It starts with a feeling. It is sometimes just physical, a sensual and pleasing touch. Often, however, il is an intellectual experience as well : our curiosity is awakened, we are literally stunned by the quality of the work, moved by the object's story, incredulous about the difficulty overcome by the craftsman and bowled over by the creator's talent.Rather than oppose natural beauty and artistic beauty, crafted materials marry these two facets for the supreme pleasure of both the senses and the mind. »

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