
Helicopter : flight mecanics in cartoons : a tale of blade and wind

Auteur : Régis Le Maitre, Bernard Certain, John Mugglebee
Editeur : Cépaduès
Date de parution : 08/10/2013
EAN/ISBN : 9782364930766
Format : 30 x 21
Nombre de pages : 120
Thématique : Littérature - Essais littéraires

Adhérent : Cépaduès Éditions

Présentation de l'éditeur

Make no mistake about it,these cartoons mean business !Why is a helicopter able to fly ?What laws govern its flight ?What can it do... and not do?Simple questions, often without simple answers.The goal of this work is to satisfy in a user-friendly way the curiosity of its readers,from the aviation buff and student of aeronautics to the helicopter pilot, both trainee and veteran.

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