
Editeur :
Date de parution : 00:00:00
Thématique : Art - Photographie

Adhérent : Actes Sud

Présentation de l'éditeur

Surviving, or helping others to survive, leaving, changing, migrating, these are the most burning desires of the inhabitants of over half of our planet. And there is always a desired, dream place, one where we imagine we can rebuild ourselves and help those stuck in poverty. But the materiality of any place is always linked to a story, to the History that created it and made it its subject. Whether a village, a town, or a territory... to arrive, to make contact with it, is at once to confront, survive, resist it, and sometimes to lose oneself in it and disappear.The Real Story of the Superheroes of Dulce Pinzón and Another me of Achinto Bhadra deal with issues involving human beings, who, due to pressures and violence, have been displaced and marginalised against their will. Beaufort West of Mikhael Subotzky raises the question on the notion of place as territory, a place of confrontation with the social and political world, and with History.

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