
The villa Savoye

Auteur : Dominique Amouroux
Editeur : Editions du patrimoine
Date de parution : 07/07/2011
EAN/ISBN : 9782757701409
Format : 26 x 24
Nombre de pages : 63
Thématique : Art - Architecture et urbanisme

Adhérent : Centre des monuments nationaux - Éditions du patrimoine

Présentation de l'éditeur

The villa savoyeIt was at the end of the summer of 1928 that Pierre and Eugénie Savoye commissioned two fashionable architects, Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret, to design their weekend house in Poissy, Yvelines. Completed three years later, « Les Heures Claires » would become, after many ups and downs, one of the most famous houses of 20th-century architecture, known throughout the world as the « Villa Savoye » and attributed solely to Le Corbusier. The villa, standing on a lawn that was originally surrounded by meadows and orchards overlooking the Seine valley, represents a real break with the social codes of the time and a poetic exploration of the space.

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