
Markus Raetz : estampes, sculptures. Markus Raetz : prints, sculptures

Editeur : Bibliothèque nationale de France
Date de parution : 03/11/2011
EAN/ISBN : 9782717724950
Format : 27 x 22
Nombre de pages : 174
Thématique : Art - Art / Beaux livres

Adhérent : Bibliothèque nationale de France - BNF

Présentation de l'éditeur

Markus Raetz is an artist of international renown, who lives and works in Bern. He has exhibited in France at the Musee d'Art Moderne and the Maison Européenne de la Photographie, in Paris, and at the Carré d'Art, in Nîmes, and regularly at the Farideh Cadot gallery since 1981. His work is experimental, playful and metaphysical, offering a broad reflection on movement and perspective. Showing a fondness for anamorphoses, Markus Raetz belongs to that generation of artists for whom the opposition between abstraction and figuration is no longer meaningful and must be overcome. He fits into the long line of creators, from the Renaissance to the Surrealists and Duchamp, who have refused to separate art and games, revelling in tricks of perception and wordplay. This catalogue contains essays by Bernhard Bürgi, Farideh Cadot, François Grundbache, Olivier Kaeppelin and Marie-Cécile Miessner. It examines the artist's favourite themes : figures and faces, landscapes, words, screens and three-colour printing, geometry and love. Mostly taken from the collections of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, which has recently been enriched by a major donation by the artist himself, some two hundred exhibits - prints, drawings, notebooks and about en ten sculptures - shed light on the great variety of Markus Raetz's work. His printmaking techniques include photogravure, drypoint, burin, etching, aquatint, stencils and even printing with string. It is the first exhibition in France devoted entirely to his prints.

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