
Flowers in the Louvre

Auteur : Michel Lis, Béatrice Vingtrinier
Editeur : Flammarion
Date de parution : 21/10/2009
EAN/ISBN : 9782081228207
Format : 20 x 20
Nombre de pages : 79
Thématique : Art - Art / Beaux livres

Adhérent : Musée du Louvre Éditions

Présentation de l'éditeur

Nothing poses quite as well as a posy of flowers and, caressed by brush or chisel, these delicate life-forms have long been a favorite theme with artists.Through a critical selection of over forty works of art - including both famed masterpieces and little-known gems - Flowers in the Louvre celebrates the most beautiful blooms and offers an original look at the world's finest museum.

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