
Editeur :
Date de parution : 00:00:00
Thématique : Art - Art pour enfants

Adhérent : SLPJ - Salon du livre et de la presse jeunesse en Seine Saint-Denis

Présentation de l'éditeur

For its tenth anniversary, Figures Futur invited two superstars of the coming of age novel : Alice and Peter ; their authors. Lewis Carroll and James Matthew Barrie ; their Wonderland and Neverland.Organized by the Salon du Livre et de la Presse Jeunesse de Seine Saint-Denis, this illustration contest has, since its creation, professed a seriousness and quality that has earned it an international reputation. The candidates come from fifty-four countries, from Peru to Japan, as well as Chad, the Ukraine and the United States. The professional jury, also made up of members or different origins and cultures, examined a considerable number of projects. Singling out original approaches and judicious works, it chose forty-eight artists for the Figures Futur 2006 exhibition.The selected illustrations illuminate the lives and characters of Alice and Peter with vigor or gentleness, humor or terror ; they reveal, alternately, the openness and ambiguity of these two figures.This catalogue, which introduces new talent for graphics professionals, also sets the stage for a marvelous encounter between Alice and Peter-a new tale for the young, who will, one day, grow up.

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