
La lutte antivectorielle en France. Disease vector control in France

Auteur : Institut de recherche pour le développement (France)
Editeur : IRD
Date de parution : 10/06/2009
EAN/ISBN : 9782709916677
Format : 21 x 15
Thématique : Sciences humaines et sociales - Sociologie

Adhérent : IRD Éditions

Présentation de l'éditeur

Chikungunya, dengue, bluetongue disease and others The strong resurgence of insect-vector transmitted diseases over recent years has become a major public health concern, in both human and veterinary spheres. Vector control has the objective of bringing down to a minimum the risks of endemization or epidemization, reducing pathogen transmission by vectors and managing epidemics in a clearly formulated strategic framework.In 2008 five French ministries commissioned the Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD) to produce a comprehensive state-of-the art report and multidisciplinary analysis of vector control systems in metropolitan France and the country's overseas regions. An expert group examined the framework for governance and the attribution of responsibilities, the general conditions for vector control implementation, the practices and methods of vector control assessment and the tools and means for forecasting risks. It presents the detailed account of its findings in this report.Going beyond the analysis, this expert survey highlights the essential changes and developments that should be brought to this sensitive field and sets out recommendations for a revision of control policies. Challenges will have to be taken up and strategies will have to be devised to control risks. And these are becoming more complex with ongoing global-scale changes (to climate, environment and societies) that strongly influence vector systems.

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