
Normandy 1944 : the invasion and the battle of Normandy

Auteur : Rémy Desquesnes
Editeur : Ouest-France
Date de parution : 13/04/2018
EAN/ISBN : 9782737347368
Format : 24 x 18
Nombre de pages : 215
Thématique : Sciences humaines et sociales - Histoire

Adhérent : Ouest France Éditions

Présentation de l'éditeur

Normandy 1944The invasion and the battle of normandy250 photographs 8 mapsThe invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944 was not the only amphibious assault launched by the Anglo-Americans during the Second World War ; yet despite the fact that it was not a first for the Allies, it was without doubt the most complex and delicate military operation that they had to carry out. The battle that followed the landing lasted for three months and proved to be one of the Allies' most bitter and costly conflicts. After heavy sacrifices, the Allied coalition emerged victorious, and the leader of that coalition was America. By revealing the supremacy of the United States, the Battle of Normandy therefore hera

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