
Prescription guidelines in cardiology

Auteur : Robert Haïat, Gérard Leroy
Editeur : Frison-Roche
Date de parution : 08/09/2006
EAN/ISBN : 9782876714984
Format : 21 x 15
Nombre de pages : 144
Thématique : Autres - Autres

Adhérent : Frison-Roche

Présentation de l'éditeur

Cardiological therapy is refined day by day on the basis of clinical trials and meta-analyses, the results of which, insufficiently known or applied, have demonstrated and justified with an almost absolute strength of evidence the value of a given molecule depending on the patient's clinical state.The proposed treatment guidelines are directly derived from the results of almost four hundred large-scale clinical trials, amplified and strengthened by the main guidelines of scientific societies, usually American or European.These treatment guidelines provide the prescriber with a scientific and pratical guide to the procedures and rules that now govern modern cardiological therapy in line with

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