
Editeur :
Date de parution : 00:00:00
Thématique : Autres - Autres

Adhérent : Wolters Kluwer France

Présentation de l'éditeur

Not many anesthesiologists have had the opportunity during their training to learn all available regional procedures and their indications/contraindications. Mastering these techniques requires both regular practice and experience and this is the gap this manual attempts (and succeeds) to fill in since it offers the reader a considerable amount of practical information on regional anesthesia resulting from the experience of a team of experienced anesthesiologists, some working in public hospitals whilst others work in private practice, but all driven by the same faith in the value of clinical practice combined with the quest of excellence for their patients. Since this manual was written by anesthesiologists practicing - not only believing in - regional anesthesia, it will gain a large audience, at least as large as that of the web site ALRF the same team has successfully developed over the years. Writing the preface of a book is a honor that can occasionally be difficult to take on but in the case of this book it is pure joy, even a pride to be associated to such a high quality work by those for whom I feel like an elder brother. With such a practical book in hands, there is no doubt that regional anesthesia will still further radiate and improve the quality of care for all patients, whatever their ages.Bernard Dalens

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