
Victimologie. Vol. 2. Thérapeutique et interculturel : français-anglais. Therapeutic and cross-cultural : French-English. Victimology. Vol. 2. Thérapeutique et interculturel : français-anglais. Therapeutic and cross-cultural : French-English

Auteur : Philippe Bessoles
Editeur : PUG
Date de parution : 11/09/2008
EAN/ISBN : 9782706114717
Format : 21 x 14
Nombre de pages : 295
Thématique : Sciences humaines et sociales - Psychologie / Psychanalyse

Adhérent : Presses Universitaires de Grenoble - PUG

Présentation de l'éditeur

Volume II of victimology is centered on cross-cultural clinic and therapeutic process. The book emphasizes the relationship between trauma and primary psychic sheaths, adhesive temporality and agglutinated spaces based on the study of acute traumatic pathologies.The three volumes of Victimology represent a reference for students, psychologists and psychiatrists as well as clinical, medical and legal professionals.

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