
Editeur :
Date de parution : 00:00:00
Thématique : Droit - Théories / Sociologie / Histoire / Philosophie du

Adhérent : Bruylant

Présentation de l'éditeur

The International Grouping of Accountants and Lawyers (IGAL) is a network of accounting and law firms formed to promote international accounting, auditing and legal services to commercial and private clients with business outside their country of origin.IGAL was formed in October 2004 via the merger of two premier business referral networks: the International Grouping of Lawyers (IGL) and the InterContinental Consultants (ICC). Both organizations have been providing exceptional service to their clients for more than 30 years.IGAL is a non-exclusive business network of internationally focused law firms and accounting firms, comprising nearly 120 member firms in more than 40 countries throughout the world with a core objective of expanding further.IGAL offers accounting, auditing and legal services to companies and individuals with international activities and offers expert and personal assistance to reduce the obstacles in doing business in a foreign environment and at a distance.The members have extensive international experience and are sensitive to the special need of clients who come from another country.The concept of IGAL has and will always be quality, communication and collaboration.Member firms regularly issue news letters and publications as well as advise useful links for the benefit of their clients and fellows members. Contact us for more information, www.igal-netowrk.com

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