
Editeur :
Date de parution : 00:00:00
Thématique : Jeunesse - Livres-jeux / Livres d'activités

Adhérent : Éditions du Centre Pompidou

Présentation de l'éditeur

A stone's throw from the Pompidou Centre, above the IRCAM stage, sixteen sculptures parade in the Igor Stravinsky fountain, a tribute to the musical works of the Russian composer. The squeaky, black machines were made by Jean Tinguely; the colourful, round sculptures by Niki de Saint Phalle. Throughout the book, these merry, zany creatures, spitting water at passers-by, dance before our eyes in a sparkling ballet of water and light Pop-up pages show them in motion: the Elephant swings his trunk up and down, the Corkscrew-Serpent unfurls in a many-coloured spiral, the red Heart of love spins on itself, and the Firebird spreads its wings...

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