
Editeur :
Date de parution : 00:00:00
Thématique : Sciences & techniques - Ouvrages généraux sur les sciences

Adhérent : Éditions Technip & Ophrys

Présentation de l'éditeur

« At once wide-ranging and insightful, this primer provides the conceptual and scientific background necessary for understanding the multiple facets of energy issues - from geology and geopolitics to geography and economics - that will dominate policy and economic choices over the coming decades. »Philippe Le Prestre Director, Institut Hydro-Québec en Environnement, Dévéloppement et Société Université Laval, QuebecAt a time when the topic of energy is front and centre, this book examines the basic concepts that are essential to grasping the energy issues of the 21 st century. All the main questions that people have about energy, especially oil and gas, are addressed, providing students, academics, journalists, representatives of government and other institutions and interested readers in general with the information they need to understand the complex, multifaceted energy sector. Abundantly illustrated, this book represents five years of exhaustive research on a fascinating and highly

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