
Home : recipes from Ireland

Auteur : Trish Deseine
Editeur : Hachette Pratique
Date de parution : 07/10/2015
EAN/ISBN : 9782011776204
Format : 32 x 25
Nombre de pages : 350
Thématique : Art de vivre & vie pratique - Cuisine / Gastronomie

Adhérent : Hachette Pratique

Présentation Electre

In home : Recipes from Ireland, Trish Deseine re-visits classic recipes from her childhood which have shaped her tastes and her cookery, and invents many others, dismissing once and for all the clichés about Irish food. Accompanied by sumptuous photography reflecting the special atmosphere of the Emerald Isle, Home is an emotional culinary tour which takes a fresh look at traditional Irish ingredients like oats, kale, cream, apples, bacon and bread. Home presents a new generation of Irish food producers as well as some of Trish's favourite Irish chefs.

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