
Supplier negotiation made simple : the 4 C method : compose, clarify, confront, commit

Auteur : Daniel Gérard
Editeur : De Boeck supérieur
Date de parution : 24/08/2014
EAN/ISBN : 9782804189211
Format : 24 x 18
Nombre de pages : 100
Thématique : Organisation & gestion des entreprises - Gestion de l'entreprise

Adhérent : De Boeck

Présentation Electre

Obtain the best from your suppliers, ... a matter of know-how, not a matter of instinct !

For most people, negotiation is a question of natural instinct. It is something you cannot learn, you are either gifted or not gifted in this domain. However, no one has yet discovered the chromosome for negotiation !

And with good reason, negotiation is not a matter of instinct but a matter of know-how that some develop while others don't. Since it is based on know-how, negotiation is in fact, a process which can be analysed, understood, applied systematically and made simple to guarantee results that have nothing to do with luck.

This book will contribute towards you reaching this ambitious objective : supplier negotiation made simple. Negotiation profiles, styles, steps, procedural, decision and manipulative strategies, tools, techniques, tricks and ploys... the standard negotiation toolbox won't have any secret for you anymore. Yet, you will need to learn how to make the best use of it.

In this respect, the present book distinguishes itself from existing literature with the presentation of a new approach to negotiation : the 4C model for Compose - Clarify - Confront  - Commit, a simple and efficient negotiation method... surprisingly simple but incredibly efficient !

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