
Modernités plurielles : 1905-1970 : l'exposition. Modernités plurielles : 1905-1970 : the exhibition

Editeur : Editions du Centre Pompidou
Date de parution : 16/10/2013
EAN/ISBN : 9782844266231
Format : 27 x 27
Nombre de pages : 59
Thématique : Art - Art / Beaux livres

Adhérent : Éditions du Centre Pompidou

Présentation de l'éditeur

The exhibition « Modernités plurielles » [Plural Modernities], based on the collections of the Musée national d'art moderne, at the Pompidou Center, establishes an exceptional panorama of international modern art, presented in all of its diversity. It thus offers a broader perspective of artistic creation, allowing us to plumb the depths of modern expressions that often go unrecognised, and which developed on all continents between 1905 and 1970.

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