
Airframe : ATPL preparation : certificate 021

Auteur : Laurence Morin, Mélanie O'Quigley
Editeur : Cépaduès
Date de parution : 04/04/2014
EAN/ISBN : 9782364931152
Format : 24 x 17
Thématique : Sciences & techniques - Technologie des transports, communications

Adhérent : Cépaduès Éditions

Présentation de l'éditeur

This book is aimed at future pilots willing to study Airframe (021) within the framework of ATPL Theoretical Certificates. It complies with EASA's Learning Objectives for the 021 Certificate. The chapters are all illustrated to facilitate the reader's comprehension. At the end of each chapter, the reader will find key-points highlighting the most important notions.

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