
Editeur :
Date de parution : 00:00:00
Thématique : Art - Sculpture et arts plastiques

Adhérent : Somogy Éditions d'art

Présentation de l'éditeur

Éric Geneste and Éric Mickeler, specialists in Native American art, reveal in these pages the secret world of the masks of the native peoples of New Mexico and Arizona.Wearing these masks-which featured widely in the news-and observing a clearly defined ceremonial calendar, dancers embody the kachina spirits. Illustrated by an unprecedented wealth of documentary photographs, this book describes the myths and belief System, rituals and dances of which these masks form an integral part, as well as discussing their manufacture and decoration, and their role in Pueblo society.For the first time-at a point when the masks have become carefully protected from view, and it is no longer possible to film or photograph these rituals in the villages-it presents an overview of these remarkable pieces in the context of the ceremonial seasons with which they are associated.Forming a complement to Kachina : Messengers of the Hopi and Zuñi Gods by the same authors, this fascinating study offers a valuable opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the controversial debate surrounding the masks of the Hopi people.

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