
Musée national Marc Chagall, Nice

Auteur : Elisabeth Pacoud-Rème
Editeur : Art Lys
Date de parution : 07/12/2011
EAN/ISBN : 9782854954609
Format : 28 x 22
Nombre de pages : 125
Thématique : Art - Art / Beaux livres

Adhérent : Réunion des musées nationaux - Grand Palais / RMN-GP

Présentation de l'éditeur

« In Art as in life, everything is possible if, deep down, there is Love. » Marc ChagallBuilt in Nice during the artist's lifetime, at the instigation of André Malraux, since 1973 the Musée National Marc Chagall has been home to the world's biggest collection of works by this true multidisciplinary genius who produced remarkable art not only in painting but in sculpture, pastel, mosaic, stained-glass and etching. This book surveys the resulting body of work and its rich texture of personal memories, biblical references, tales and dreams. Illustrated by archive photographs recording the artist's career, it also includes detailed commentaries on the masterpieces held by the Museum, notably the Biblical Message and Song of Songs cycles.

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