
The house of George Sand in Nohant

Auteur : Anne Muratori-Philip
Editeur : Editions du patrimoine
Date de parution : 21/06/2012
EAN/ISBN : 9782757701973
Format : 26 x 25
Nombre de pages : 67
Thématique : Art de vivre & vie pratique - Tourisme et Patrimoine

Adhérent : Centre des monuments nationaux - Éditions du patrimoine

Présentation de l'éditeur

Regards...The house of George Sand in NohantThe backdrop to passions, misfortunes, and shared experiences, and a site of inspiration and creativity-Nohant is all this and more. Inextricably linked to George Sand, this « large imposing house » still resonates with the aura of its brilliant mistress.In Story of My Life, the writer leaves a moving testimony to her unwavering devotion : « But I did have the home of my memories to shelter the future memories of my children. Are we really justified in holding on so tightly to these dwellings filled with gentle and cruel images, the history of our own lives written on all the walls in mysterious, indelible characters, which at each shock to the soul, fill us with deep emotion, or childish superstition ? »

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