
Editeur :
Date de parution : 00:00:00
Thématique : Art de vivre & vie pratique - Tourisme et Patrimoine

Adhérent : Éditions du Chêne

Présentation de l'éditeur

Just how is Paris built ? The answer is, of course ; around its courtyards. the capital, and the architectural and town planning history that surrounds it.The courtyards of the grand town mansions of the Marais quarter, the museum courtyards, those of public buildings, the paved or planted courtyards of private houses, those of the mid 19th and 20th centuries, those of public housing estates, of artists' accommodations, of private housing estates (like 'little Russia, or « Little Alsace »), contemporary courtyards and those of restaurants ; all of them offer an understanding of the evolution of Parisian habitat, passing fashions and decisive historical events. Some quite simply offer an anecdote, or a particularly intriguing design. In this revealing journey through a largely secret side of Paris, the reader will discover a wonderfully rich heritage that demands to be shared - and thus kept alive and preserved.

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