
The Normandy landings : 6 june 1944, the strategic victory of World War II

Auteur : Jean Compagnon
Editeur : Ouest-France
Date de parution : 17/05/2011
EAN/ISBN : 9782737353529
Format : 26 x 20
Nombre de pages : 159
Thématique : Sciences humaines et sociales - Histoire

Adhérent : Ouest France Éditions

Présentation de l'éditeur

6 June 1944 The Normandy LandingsHow did the landing operations prepared by Churchill and Roosevelt from 1940 onwards, requested by Stalin in 1941, manage to catch Hitler by surprise even though he had known they were inevitable from as early as 1942?What were the crucial moments during the historic day which saw the opening of a second front?How, after two months in Normandy when little headway was made, did the Avranches breakthrough at Avranches make the « Overlord invasion » the strategic decisive victory of World War II?With the mature emotion of someone who has lived through such historic events, the author recounts the story of the preparation and execution of the operation that was to put an end to the totalitarian holocausts, liberate Europe and reestablish the world balance of power. Although fragile at times, the latter has nonetheless lasted for over fifty years.Winner of the Prix « Maréchal Foch » from the Académie française.HistoryA reference collection to learn about History, from our origins to the present-day, with a summarised text by a historian and a rich iconography (150 to 200 documents) completed by a specific cartography.

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