
Editeur :
Date de parution : 00:00:00
Thématique : Médecine - Spécialités médicales

Adhérent : Eska Éditions

Présentation de l'éditeur

The End of a Cancer?The hopes vested in vaccination against papillomavirusWhat is papillomavirus or HPV ?This virus, which affects the epithelium of the cervix and the lower genital tract, sometimes causes lesions which can rarely evolve into cancer. The infection generally occurs during early sexual activity and the majority of women develop antibodies to the virus naturally. Thanks to screening, this fatal disease has been transformed into a rare pathology.In this book, Dr Joseph Monsonego reviews current knowledge and the future prospects for papillomavirus infection and its consequences. He demystifies the new issues and new practices arising in the era of vaccination, answering the questions women are asking themselves : the importance of screening, treatments, the place of vaccination in the prevention process. In presenting this major scientific progress, Dr Monsonego delivers an amazing message of hope in the fight against cervical cancer and places the spotlight on the responsibility of society.

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