
Editeur :
Date de parution : 00:00:00
Thématique : Art - Peinture et arts graphiques

Adhérent : Thalia Édition

Présentation de l'éditeur

The book collection « Ateliers d'Artistes » (Artist Studios) aims to introduce the reader to the heart of the artist's creative work. To experience the work of one who invests forms and objects, to follow the artist's way of proceeding, to learn to read someone's art is the most valuable and most difficult of undertakings. This is what each of the books in this collection offers : documented with photographs, they reveal the atmosphere of a given place while relying on an interview to re-create the thought of an artist, painter or sculptor.We met Carole Benzaken in her Parisian studio and we passed through Los Angeles, we swung through Japan, Korea and Benin before returning to Paris to travel up the St Martin Canal to track Marcel Carné. The space consists of a disorientation, in going from one place to another. This creative process has itself a space, the convergence that is the studio, the congruity that is the studio, where all the influences of her life meet.

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