
Editeur :
Date de parution : 00:00:00
Thématique : Sciences & techniques - Sciences de la Terre

Adhérent : Éditions Technip & Ophrys

Présentation de l'éditeur

CO2 capture and geological storage (CCS) is now recognised as being one of the pathways that can be implemented to reduce CO2 emissions and fight against global warming. But where, how and at what price can CO2 be captured? This book attempts to provide the answers to these questions, reviewing the state of the art of the technologies required. It presents the three main pathways considered in which the CO2 capture technologies are expected to be implemented, respectively: the post-combustion pathway, in which the CO2 contained in industrial flue gases is extracted; the oxy-combustion pathway, in which combustion is performed in oxygen to obtain flue gases with high CO2 concentration; and lastly the pre-combustion pathway, in which carbon is extracted from the initial fuel to generate hydrogen, whose combustion will produce only water vapour. The book introduces, for each pathway, the technologies currently available and those under development. It is intended for everyone wanting to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms implemented in CO2 capture operations, as well as the technological and economic challenges to be met to ensure that the costs generated by these operations are no longer an obstacle to their worldwide generalisation.

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