
Man, master of his destiny

Auteur : Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Editeur : Prosveta
Date de parution : 14/04/2009
EAN/ISBN : 9782855663777
Format : 18 x 12
Nombre de pages : 200
Thématique : Religion & spiritualité - Spiritualités

Adhérent : Prosveta Éditions

Présentation de l'éditeur

Why is one born in a particular country and a particular family ? Why is one healthy, rich, illustrious and powerful, or on the contrary poor, handicapped and miserable ? The bonds one forges with others almost without realizing it, where do they spring from and why ? Even those who think they are entirely free must put up with their fate because of their ignorance of the laws which govern the invisible world. By revealing these laws, the Master not only helps the disciple to unravel the tangled threads of his life, he also gives him the tools he must have in order to become master of his own destiny.

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