
Editeur :
Date de parution : 00:00:00
Thématique : Art - Architecture et urbanisme

Adhérent : Éditions du Chêne

Présentation de l'éditeur

Ever since Louis XIV turned his father's small château into an incomparable palace, Versailles is a theatre stage. This book invites you to penetrate into the wings, a world behind the scenes - one that is never revealed by a simple visit. These pages take you on another tour, beyond time, to meet with those who lived on this stage, from the most famous to the most unusual. This invitation to explore the incomparable labyrinth that is the history and memory of Versailles, a unique stage where history converses with legend, is illustrated with exclusive images of places to which only the (very) privileged have access.You will be taken on a unique visit of Versailles, with a seat for the stage show, and a private invitation to visit the wings and, beyond, the secret tumult behind the scenes.

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