
Editeur :
Date de parution : 00:00:00
Thématique : Sciences & techniques - Technologie des transports, communications

Adhérent : Beauchesne Éditeur

Présentation de l'éditeur

Spain and the European space effortThis book contains nine historical monographs that present important aspects of the Spanish participation in ESRO and ESA programmes. It is the result of a cooperative effort between ESA and the CDTI, the office in charge of ESA programmes in Spain.The authors are persons with direct experience of the matters they describe and obtained industry-wide support to access the information used. The support of staff at INTA and ESA's Villafranca station must also be acknowledged.A list of Spain's major achievements in space and a series of tables presenting the details of Spanish investments and participation in all major ESA projects are also included as well as

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