
Editeur :
Date de parution : 00:00:00
Thématique : Art - Art / Beaux livres

Adhérent : Michelin éditions

Présentation de l'éditeur

The Wine Regions of France is a brand-new guide for anyone who has ever dreamed of touring the French vineyards and discovering more about the country's traditional enjoyment of wine and cuisine. Fourteen tours cover each of the main regions in practical detail, leading you through the hidden heartlands and the great cultural capitals of French wine, introducing the wine-makers and their estates, and offering expert insights to add knowledge and enjoyment to your trip.¤ The Regions - Tours through the 14 main wine regions of France : wines, landscapes, heritage, plus full details of activities and places of interest on all sorts of themes. A map of France on the inside cover sums it all up at a glance.¤ Hotels & Restaurants - Over 500 restaurants, hotels and guesthouses, covering all of the wine regions.¤ Shopping Guide - Each chapter has easy-to-use notes on the local wines, their characteristics, prices, and tips on storage. You'll also find details of over 400 wine merchants, wine cooperatives, estates and specialist food and wine shops.¤ Maps & Plans - Detailed maps for every region, plus a ready-reference overview on the inside cover.¤ The Secrets of Wine - Useful information on grape varieties, the natural features of the vineyard, wine-maker's methods, and expert advice on serving and tasting.

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