
La fille du samouraï

Auteur : Dominique Sylvain
Editeur : Viviane Hamy
Date de parution : 15/04/2005
EAN/ISBN : 9782878582086
Format : 20 x 13
Nombre de pages : 283
Thématique : Autres - Autres

Adhérent : Viviane Hamy Éditions

Présentation de l'éditeur

Ingrid Diesel and Lola Jost, the whacky duet from Passage du désir, come back to lead the investigation after the mysterious death of Alice, a friend's daughter. While getting ready for her act as the double of Britney Spears, she “fell from the 34th floor”. A videographer shot everything, and all the television channels fight to get the images of the pseudo suicide.

“Dominique Sylvain has recreated with brio the interdependent life of a district whose café-restaurant is the center, and where a likeable bunch search for a bit of company.”                           Gérard Noël, Liberté de l’Est


“This Alice fable crossed over to the other side of the mirror provides Dominique Sylvain the opportunity for a subtle reflection about the role of image in our society, its political use - for example within the context of blackmail - but also all forms of manipulation and the morbid taste of our contemporaries for reality television.”

Gérard Meudal, Le Monde des Livres


“Incisive dialogue and a corrosive style that scoff at the TF1 [television channel] motto: ‘What we sell to Coca-Cola is available human brain time.’”

Michel Vagner, L’Est républicain


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